Kitchen Tips: 5 Easy Hacks to Organize Your Spice Rack

Can you imagine a kitchen pantry without spices? simply unimaginable; Is not it? Spices play an important role in the establishment of a kitchen, especially in India, where a variety of spices are used in the preparation of food. Thereafter, organizing the pantry becomes equally important. And when we talk about organizing, it includes storing spices properly. But have you ever wondered if you are storing the content correctly? fret not; As always, we’ve got you covered. Here we bring you some handy tips and tricks that will help you organize a spice rack like a pro. This will not only make the work easier, but will also save time in your kitchen. let’s take a look.

Read also: 6 Spices to Boost Your Weight Loss Journey

Here are 5 easy tips for organizing your spice rack:

1. Use Air Tight Containers:

The very first thing is to have the right kind of jars to store the spices. Store them in airtight, clean jars to lock in moisture and keep spices fresh and fragrant for longer – because, the fresher and more aromatic the spices are, the better they taste.

2. Label the Spice Jar:

We understand, sometimes it becomes difficult to find the right spice jar. Have you experienced adding salt instead of powdered sugar to your food (or vice versa)? In such situations, labeling comes to your rescue – it helps you avoid any such confusion while cooking.

3. Use Small Spice Jar:

We agree that it is always economical to buy and store ingredients in bulk; But it is always better to store them in small jars for everyday use. Small containers come in handy and can be stored and organized perfectly.

4. Get Clear Jar:

While you can store spices in any airtight jar, but being clear in varying shapes and sizes they are orderly and pleasing to the eye. Apart from this, it also helps you to easily identify the ingredients while cooking.

5. Use Shelf Organizers:

Laying one jar on top of another gets messy at times. This could end up with the jar falling off and breaking. Therefore, we suggest that you introduce yourself to a kitchen organizer to know how to store the jars in the right place. Organizers help you take apart the jars and store them properly.

Now that you have these wonderful ideas, we suggest following the above tips and rearranging your spice rack today. And if you have any idea to organize kitchen then share.

About Somdutt SahuInvestigator- Somdutt likes to call this himself. In terms of food, people or places, she craves only to know the unknown. A simple aglio oleo pasta or dal-chawal and a good movie can make his day.
