Kitchen Tips: 5 easy ways to clean your baking tools and equipment

If you’re a home baker, you know how much hard work goes into making baked goods. A slight mistake here and there can result in total Pak disaster, And even if you do make one, you can blame the baking tools or equipment. However, that’s exactly what can happen if you don’t maintain your baking essentials carefully. Often, when we bake, we take out the baked goods and leave the molds in the corner of the kitchen. If left outside for too long, they can become discolored and even develop an unpleasant odor, making them unsuitable for reuse. Today, we bring you a list of easy ways to increase the longevity of your bakeware and keep them looking tidy. Just have a look

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How to clean bakeware: Here are 5 easy tips

1. Lemonade

One of the simplest ways to clean your bakeware is to use a mixture of hot water and lemon juice. Add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and rinse the surface of your bakeware with warm water until it is shiny. This hack works best for aluminum molds.

2. Vinegar

acidic nature of vinegar making it ideal for cleaning. All you have to do is mix white vinegar with boiling water and pour it into your bakeware. After some time, clean it with soapy water and wash it thoroughly. Vinegar works best for cleaning silicone molds.

3. soapy water

The most basic, yet efficient way to keep your baking utensils clean and shiny is by using soapy water. Dilute dishwashing liquid in water and dip a cleaning sponge in it. To remove grease, scrub the utensils from all sides and wash them with water.

4. Baking Soda

Baking soda Not only is it an essential ingredient in making baked goods, but it can also be used as an excellent cleanser. Mix 1 tsp of baking soda in water to make a liquid paste. Apply it on the utensils and rub them till they become shiny. Rinse off with warm water.

Read also: Don’t have baking soda in the house? Use These 5 Alternatives That Work Like Magic

baking soda

5. Apple Peel

do you know you can use something as simple as apple Peel to clean your bakeware? Put apple peels in a bowl of hot water and let it boil. The acidic nature of this water will help you remove the stains easily.

apple peel

So, next time you’re cleaning your bakeware, keep these tips in your mind!

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