Kitchen Tips: 5 Easy Ways To Remove Turmeric Stains From Utensils

We love the bright yellow color of turmeric which gives turmeric spice to our food. The color gives an instant lift to our curries, casseroles and even beverages. But when that same color stays back on our pots and pans, it’s downright frustrating. The color of turmeric is stubborn and difficult to remove. Most of the time, it does not go away even after a thorough cleaning, leaving its permanent mark on our precious crockery. Another problem with turmeric stains is that it becomes more difficult to remove if you leave it on for too long. Therefore, whenever there is a trace of turmeric in your utensil, try to clean it as soon as possible.

But it is not as easy as it seems. The regular process of washing with dish soap and water doesn’t always work remove yellow spot, It can be really frustrating to scrub endlessly but to no avail. In such a situation, you should use the tips given below to clean your utensils. And all you need are everyday kitchen ingredients to make it work.

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Common kitchen ingredients can be used to clean utensils.
photo credit: iStock

Here are 5 tips to remove turmeric stains from crockery:

1. Glycerin

Take two cups of water and add 1/4 cup glycerin and 1/4 cup liquid soap to it. Take a washcloth and pat the mixture onto the stain. Wash it with warm water after 15 minutes. This should take off all the color left behind by the turmeric.

2. Lemon juice

The acidic nature of lemon makes it a powerful cleaner., Mix one part lemon juice with two parts lukewarm water and soak your stained utensils in the solution overnight. Clean as usual the next morning. You can also use white vinegar in place of lemon juice as it has similar acidic properties.

Also read: Is Your Cutlery Not Shiny Enough? Use this method to deep clean it

3. Baking Soda

Baking soda is one of the most useful products in the kitchen. It not only helps us cook our favorite items but also does many other things – cleaning for example. Baking soda can work wonders to remove turmeric marks. Just make a thick paste of water and baking soda and spread it on the stains and clean it after 15 minutes.

4. Hydrogen peroxide

This light blue chemical liquid is used to remove stains. If you’ve tried everything but your crockery still glistens that pale yellow mark, use this chemical liquid. Just sprinkle a few drops on the stain, leave it for a few minutes and wash off.

5. Sunshine

If you don’t want to use any kind of chemical on your dishes for fear of residue, try the most natural way to remove stains – sunlight. Strange but true, sunlight absorbs stains from clothes as well as utensils. Leave your utensils in the sun for a full day, and you’ll see the stains lighten.

Read also: Easy Ways to Remove Burnt Food and Black Marks from Your Pressure Cooker


You can easily keep your crockery clean with this kitchen item
photo credit: iStock

Bring your crockery back to its glory, without the turmeric stains.

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