Kitchen Tips: 7 Things We’re Doing Wrong in the Kitchen

Food lovers know that there is an art to cooking. Cooking is a skill in itself that everyone can possess but not everyone can master. This is the reason why the food we eat in our homes tastes so different from restaurants. Now, we know that not all of us can be master chefs, but there are some practices that we can incorporate into our daily cooking that will improve the taste and quality of food. Sometimes, we skip a few cooking steps thinking we know better, but we’re actually making small mistakes that can affect the taste of food! That’s why we’ve picked out seven very common cooking mistakes that we make in our kitchens. If you’ve committed to them, don’t worry you’re not alone.

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Here are 7 things we’re doing wrong in the kitchen. 7 common cooking mistakes we should avoid:

1. Throwing Pasta Water

The water used to boil pasta is full of starch. This starchy water helps the pasta to be a smooth and flavorful pasta with sauce. Use pasta water over normal water to make creamy pasta.

2. Overuse of Non-Stick Pans

Non-stick pans are excellent for cooking some dishes, but not all. A non-stick pan may not get as hot as other pans, making it a bad choice for grating or roasting food. Another disadvantage is that acidic foods destroy the non-stick layer.

3. Pouring Ingredients into an Unheated Pan

It is necessary to have an evenly heated pan to start cooking. We often don’t preheat the pan properly before adding our ingredients. In recipes like fried vegetables, the pan needs to be hot for the vegetables to be crispy. A hot pan will make the vegetables soft and tender.

4. Using a Dull Knife

We are not used to sharpening their kitchen knives because we do not know that a sharper knife is more efficient and safer. Using a dull knife means putting more pressure on it, which will cause the knife to slip and cut our fingers.

5. Not Preheating the Oven

Many recipes specifically instruct us to preheat the oven before starting the preparation. Still we don’t listen. The reason a preheat is needed is because a preheated oven cooks unevenly, burning half the dish and leaving the other half raw.

6. Keeping Hot Food in the Fridge

Putting hot food in the fridge immediately can raise the temperature of the fridge and put other foods at risk of bacteria.

7. Over-mixing/flipping food while cooking

We keep moving our food around, curious to see if it’s ready. But it disturbs the cooking temperature of the food. We have to be patient and let the food cook properly before turning or moving.

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If you know of any other unintentional kitchen mistakes, do let us know in the comments section!
