Korea, Japan, China may join ASEAN on ambitious global power grid

New Delhi : China may become part of the ambitious One Sun One World One Grid (OSOWOG) investigation into a Northeast Asia power interconnector to connect the power grids of China, Korea, Japan and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) .

This comes against the backdrop of the Global Grid Declaration adopted at COP26 in Glasgow with the Green Grid Initiative (GGI) – OSOWOG launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the World Leaders Summit, which aims to connect 140 countries with round the clock solar power Is. Power.

A consortium led by French state-run power utility firm EDF and France’s AETS and India’s Institute for Energy and Resources has helped create the road map for OSOOOOG. The International Solar Alliance (ISA) is the nodal agency for implementing OSOOOG, which seeks to transfer solar energy generated in one region to meet the electricity demands of others.

“For China, EDF has already investigated Northeast Asia electricity interconnectors. So, you’re talking about connecting to China, Korea, Japan and ASEAN. We’re working with the governments of Australia, Singapore and others to join Australia-Singapore. We are also working on the ASEAN link, where it connects with ASEAN, Myanmar and India,” said Jagjit Sarin, Assistant Director General of ISA Mint,

This comes against the backdrop of an Australia-Asia power link being developed in Australia to transmit renewable energy from Darwin to Singapore.

Three pilot interconnection corridors have been shortlisted for detailed technical and financial feasibility study under OSOWOG. These are South Asia (India) – Southeast Asia (Myanmar to Thailand), South Asia (India) – West Asia and West Asia – Africa. Simultaneously, two options are being explored to join the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. One is an undersea link connecting Gujarat to Oman and the other includes a land route from Pakistan and Afghanistan to West Asia.

“Therefore, one has to look at the scope and vision of One Sun One World One Grid as a global initiative rather than looking at the geopolitical tensions between India and Pakistan as there are now technological solutions that will do it very well under the sea. can within,” Sarin said.

Mint Earlier it was reported about the proposed South Asia Power Pool of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal (BBIN), the primary component of the South Asia-Southeast Asia Interconnection Corridor, shortlisted for the ambitious global grid plan .

“This network has the potential to be a modern engineering marvel, and is a catalyst for expanding renewable electricity generation and effectively mitigating climate change over the next decade. Globally, approximately 2,600GW of interconnection capacity should be possible by 2050. ISA, leading to estimated electricity savings of €226 billion per year,” said Ajay Mathur, director general of ISA, after the launch of GGI-OSOWOG earlier this month.

The ISA, co-founded by India during the 2015 Climate Change Conference in Paris, has taken center stage in India’s efforts to take on a global climate leadership role.

“The amount of energy the whole human race consumes in a year, the same amount of energy the sun gives to the earth in an hour. This huge energy is completely clean and sustainable. The only challenge is that solar power is available only during the day and is also weather dependent. ‘One Sun, One World, One Grid’ is the solution to this challenge,” Modi said at the COP26 summit in Glasgow.

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