‘Kota Factory’ season 2 review: One for the repeaters

The performances are relatable once again, capturing the joys, sorrows and pains of a large section of this generation, who spend four years of their lives preparing for competitive exams

“Intimate,” the adjective Netflix uses to describe the second season, sits lightly on the series that continues to address teenage warriors engaged in an unequal battle to crack IIT JEE, the ruling god of competitive exams. .

The immersive camera work — one of the highlights of the first season — offers an insight into the weaknesses of these kids, battling the hormonal surge and gravitational pull in equal measure. From afar, it also reminds us of the dangers of converting coaching factories into machines.

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Of course, the top angle shot has lost some of its luster, but it gives us a sense of the bigger picture where fame and material gains don’t necessarily come from Bollywood or cricket. The face of an IIT ranker can be on a poster, an auto or even a hoarding in the city square.

Performances are concerning once again, capturing the joys, sorrows and pains of a large section of this generation, who spend four-five years of their lives clearing a competitive exam, or others where the success ratio is one percent. is less than.

This is such an important block, with people who have crossed the Rubicon and are looking for a drop of nostalgia, being tapped by OTT platforms; These stories are told so much that cracking the exam code has almost become a genre in itself.

Even the characterization seems to be based on a sort of census of students coming to Kota. The central character Vaibhav Pandey (Mayur More can be seen constantly) comes from a middle-class background. Among the close ‘friends’, Uday Gupta (Alam Khan is the winner but tends to be repetitive) is from an elite background, while Balmaukund Meena (Ranjan Raj) is the one who hasn’t tasted cake for seven years.

Kota Factory (Season 2)

  • Producer: Arunabh Kumar, Saurabh Khanna and Raghav Subbu
  • Cast: Mayur More, Ranjan Raj, Jitendra Kumar, Alam Khan, Ehsaas Channa, Revathi Pillai
  • Number of Episodes: 5
  • Story: In a city of coaching centers known for training India’s finest collegiate minds, an honest yet extraordinary student and his friends navigate campus life

it just isn’t one in a million, recently we saw candidates by the same production house that put together Kota Factory. The good thing is that these shows are not judgemental to a large extent. They can’t be erased as a hangover 3 Idiots Where the three protagonists drive the narrative, neither do they see it as a rat race and the participants as geeks. Instead, attracted by real life, they open a window to the good, the bad and the ugly part of this vast exercise where a beautiful mind walks side by side with the restless and restless, where the coaching institute is not the villain, but the part of a large unemployment. Which is making the country sick.

One reason for this is that many of these creative ventures are supported by business groups that have an interest in the education sector. surrogate advertising that became a bottleneck candidates And . first season of quota factory Thankfully there is at least one here. Although the focus is still on Jeetu Bhaiya, we also get to see other teachers in colors that are not necessarily black.

However, like the idea of ​​angry youth, the curriculum of studious youth also demands continuous up-gradation. In its second season, Factory falls into a pattern that isn’t always a good thing for a creative venture.

For all its honesty, Jitendra Kumar’s advice to Jeetu Bhaiya threatens to enter a danger zone, where the audience can say, “No, no profit!” Just as physics alone cannot help you crack IIT exam, similarly an actor cannot solve all the questions in the mind of the audience.

Though Raj dazzles in the first season with his eyes and demeanor that captures both the dreams and reality of a large section of this generation, his character doesn’t get much substantial material to play. The female characters get some meat, but apart from the influential Ehsaas Channa, the rest fail to make a mark.

There are phases when the series seems like a reckoner or a witty counseling session for students preparing for IIT. Like the study material, the authors seem to have made clear chapters on issues that pertain to the teenage audience preparing for the competition. From self-love to self-destruction, to the skewed sex ratio in IITs, every issue is tossed and tossed. Some of them hit the right note, but some panned out to perfection. Mental disturbances, the demons within, untold enough don’t come through.

As a third season is on the cards, one cannot help but say Jeetu Bhaiya: It is okay to cheat a little, but it should not become a habit.

(The second season of Kota Factory is currently streaming on Netflix)


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