Kovid-19: 13,166 new cases were reported in India in the last 24 hours, 26,988 were cured

Kovid-19 India Updates: India on Friday reported 13,166 fresh Covid-19 cases amid reports of a decline in the number of Covid-19 cases in the country, according to data from the Union Health Ministry. The number of people cured of Kovid-19 in the last 24 hours was 26,988, taking the total number of cured people in the country to 4,22,46,884. The total number of Covid-19 deaths reported in the last 24 hours stood at 302, taking the death toll to 5,13,226. Whereas, active cases stood at 1,34,235 (0.31%) with a daily positivity rate of 1.28%. The cumulative vaccines administered in the country reached 1,76,86,89,266.

Meanwhile, a coronavirus mutant widely known as “stealth omicron” is now causing more than a third of new omicron cases worldwide, but scientists still don’t know how this will affect the future of the pandemic. Can do. Researchers are slowly uncovering clues about the strain, a descendant of Omicron known as BA.2, which becomes more prevalent upon closer observation.

This week, a technical advisory group for the World Health Organization advised public health officials to monitor it as a specific omicron strain. Early research suggests that it spreads faster than the original Omicron and can make people sick in rare cases, even if they already have an Omicron infection. There is mixed research on whether it causes more severe disease, but vaccines appear to be just as effective against it.

Overall cases are falling in some places where the variant is becoming more prevalent, offering some hope that the latest troublesome version of the virus doesn’t see cases skyrocket again as experts try to learn more.

(with inputs from agencies)

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