Kozhikode Corporation may not extend contract with Zonta Infratech

Nezilianparamba Effluent Treatment Plant in Kozhikode. , photo credit: file photo

Kozhikode Corporation is unlikely to extend the contract with Zonta Infratech for biomining and capping activities at Nazilianparamba. Corporation secretary KU Bini said the firm is making good use of the extended time and has made good progress in biomining last month.

“Biomining is expected to be completed within a few days, and the shipping of waste towards the capping area is in progress, which may not take much longer either,” she said.

The corporation had extended the contract with Zonta Infratech six times since December 2019. The company had sought more time to carry out its activities in the backdrop of the pandemic. However, the corporation refused to extend the contract and instead allowed 30 working days to complete the work, which has been extended due to rains.

“Our agreement was to remove 14,000 cubic meters of waste from Zone 3 [the company] On digging, more and more waste comes out of the soil in a denser form. So far, they have removed 20,000 cubic meters of garbage,” Ms. Bini said.

He said that at present there is no point in relieving the company from the work as it has made good progress, and the work needs to be completed before the onset of monsoon.

“However, the company will be fined for delay in work,” he said, adding that a baling machine had been brought in a few weeks ago, which had made work easier.

Meanwhile, the corporation’s United Democratic Front Council party has asked the mayor not to go ahead with the contract with Zonta Infratech and instead blacklist the company as the state government took a stand against it in the wake of the Brahmapuram fire . Effluent Treatment Plant in Kochi.

The UDF also said that the corporation should withdraw from the ₹250 crore waste-to-energy plant project with Zonta Infratech and threatened to proceed with protest measures if the company is allowed to continue despite its failures. Is.