Kremlin: West sparked global food crisis with sanctions, Kremlin says – Times of India

London: The Kremlin said on Monday West sparked the global food crisis by imposing the harshest restrictions in modern history Russia at war Ukraine,
The war – and the West’s attempt to isolate Russia as punishment – has driven up the price of grain, cooking oil, fertilizer and energy.
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Wednesday that he was in close contact with Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, the United States and the United States. The European Union In an effort to restore grain exports from Ukraine in the face of a global food crisis.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Kremlin said, agrees with the UN assessment that the world is facing a food crisis that could lead to famine.
“Russia has always been a reliable grain exporter,” said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry. peskov said.
“We are not the source of the problem. The source of the problem that leads to world hunger are those who have imposed sanctions against us, and the sanctions themselves.”
Russia and Ukraine together account for about a third of the global wheat supply.
Ukraine is also a major exporter of corn, barley, sunflower oil and rapeseed oil, while Russia and Belarus have supported Moscow in the war and are also subject to sanctions – the crop nutrient accounts for more than 40% of global exports of potash. .
The United Nations has said 36 countries rely on Russia and Ukraine for more than half their wheat imports, including some of the poorest, including Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The Kremlin said Ukraine has made commercial shipping impossible by mining its waters.
Ukraine has lost some of its largest ports, including Kherson and Mariupol, to Russian occupation, and fears Russia may try to seize a third, Odessa.
Peskov said that Russia had not stopped Ukraine from exporting grain to Poland at a very slow pace, despite the fact that the West was sending weapons in the opposite direction.
A UN food agency official said two weeks ago that about 25 million tonnes of food grains were stuck in Ukraine due to infrastructure challenges and closed ports.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Thursday accused Russia of using food as a weapon by “hostage” supplies for not only Ukrainians, but millions around the world.