Kunduz: Suicide bomber kills 100 in northern Afghanistan Shia mosque – Times of India

Islamabad: A suicide bomber blew himself up during Friday prayers at a Shia mosque Afghanistanthe northeastern city of kunduz, killing at least 100 worshipers and injuring about 150.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack, but it had all the hallmarks of Islamic State-Khorasan (IS-K), which recently attacked a mosque in Kabul, killing several people.
Video footage shows horrific scenes with bodies surrounded by rubble inside the Gojar-e-Syed Abad mosque.
Zabihullah Mujahid, a Taliban The spokesman confirmed the blast and said there were casualties. However, he did not immediately give a death toll and said the Taliban was still investigating. “This afternoon a blast targeted a mosque of our Shia nationals in the Khanabad Bandar area of ​​the capital Kunduz, killing and wounding many of our compatriots,” he tweeted.
Local security officials said more than 300 people were attending Friday prayers when the attack took place.
There are conflicting reports about the number of casualties. friend Mohamed ObaidahKunduz province’s deputy police chief said at least 100 people were killed and several others injured in the attack. “I assure my Shia brothers that the Taliban are ready to ensure their safety,” Obaidah said. He said that the investigation is going on.
Earlier, officials at Kunduz’s provincial hospital said 35 dead and more than 50 injured had been brought there, while health officials at the city’s Médecins Sans Frontires (MSF) hospital said 15 dead and 90 wounded had been taken to their facility. was brought for Staff at MSF Hospital said they feared the death toll could rise.
If IS-K claims Friday’s blast, it will be the worst attack in the war-torn country, when the group targeted Kabul airport in a devastating bombing in August.
Afghanistan’s minority Shia Muslims, who make up about 20 percent of the Afghan population, have been the victims of some of the country’s most violent attacks. There are many of them Thousand, an ethnic group that has been heavily persecuted in Afghanistan for decades.
IS-K has repeatedly targeted Afghanistan’s Shia minority in the past, with suicide bombers attacking their mosques, sports clubs and schools.
Kunduz is a major transit point for economic and trade exchanges with Tajikistan. When the Taliban returned to power in August this year, fierce fighting broke out in the province.


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