Lashing out at Trudeau at the G-20 meeting, Xi said, “Everything we discussed got leaked.”

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday personally criticized Canadian PM Justin Trudeau over an alleged leak of their closed-door meeting at the G20 summit, which included a rare public display of outrage by the Chinese leader.

In video footage published by Canadian broadcaster Annie Bergeron-Olivier, Xi and Trudeau can be seen standing close to each other and talking through a translator. The two leaders had earlier met on the sidelines of the summit on Tuesday.

“CDN pool cameras captured a difficult conversation between Chinese President Xi and PM Trudeau at the G20 today. In it, Xi expressed his displeasure that everything discussed yesterday “has been leaked to paper, it is not fair is … and was not negotiated as such,” Annie Bergeron-Olivier from the Canadian press CTV National News said in a tweet.

Speaking through an interpreter, Xi said, “Whatever we have decided has been leaked to the papers which is not fair … and if there is honesty on your part it was not negotiated in this way.” …”

“If there is honesty from your side, we can communicate well with mutual respect, otherwise the result will not be easy to tell.”

The Canadian Prime Minister was heard saying in his reply that there have been free, open and frank talks and there will be things on which the two countries disagree.

Trudeau responded, “In Canada we believe in free and open and frank dialogue and that’s what we will continue to do, we will continue to work together constructively, but there will be things we disagree on.”

The video ends with the President saying, “Let’s make the conditions first.” Xi walked away smiling and shaking Trudeau’s hand.

Trudeau expressed “serious concern” over alleged Chinese interference in Canada in brief talks with Xi on the sidelines of the Group of 20 (G20) meeting in Indonesia this week.

The Canadian prime minister’s office said in a readout on Tuesday that the two leaders discussed North Korea and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, while Trudeau “also raised our serious concerns about interference activities in Canada”.

Last week, Canadian media outlet Global News reported that Canadian intelligence officials warned Trudeau that China was “targeting Canada with a massive campaign of foreign interference”, including meddling in the country’s 2019 elections.

The brief but revealing Xi-Trudeau exchange highlighted tensions between China and Canada, which have been high since the 2018 detention of Huawei Technologies executive Meng Wanzhou and the arrest of two Canadians on espionage charges by Beijing. Running on level. All three were later released. Despite the release, tensions have flared up again recently.

Canadian police said Monday that an employee of Hydro-Québec, Canada’s largest power producer, has been charged with espionage who was involved in the discovery of battery material.

News of the arrests came as Trudeau and Xi were attending the G20 summit on the Indonesian island of Bali. Earlier this month, Canada ordered three Chinese companies to divest their investments in vital Canadian minerals, citing national security.

The two leaders last met in June 2019 on the sidelines of another G20 in Osaka, Japan. They have met three times before, once during the G20 in Turkey in 2015 and twice during official visits to Beijing in 2016 and 2017.

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