Lata Mangeshkar caught COVID and succumbed to multiple organ failure; Here’s what it means – Times of India

On February 6, 2022, a void was left in the country which can never be filled again. Indian music pioneer, Lata Mangeshkar left for her heavenly abode to fight COVID-19 and multiple organ failure. The death of 92-year-old Lata ji has sent a wave of mourning among Indians and others across the world.

“I am beyond words. The kind and caring Lata didi has left us. She leaves a void in our country that cannot be filled. The generations to come will remember her as a stalwart of Indian culture, Whose melodious voice had an unparalleled ability to mesmerize people,” tweeted Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Hospitalized after COVID-19 infection

Lata Mangeshkar was admitted to Mumbai’s Breach Candy Hospital on January 8 after she was diagnosed with COVID-19 and pneumonia. As per reports, he showed mild symptoms of COVID-19.

On January 28, according to a statement from his family, he was taken off the ventilator after showing signs of improvement. “Currently, she is showing signs of improvement, but will remain under the supervision of the team of doctors led by Dr Pratith Samdani. We thank you all for your prayers and well wishes,” the family said in a statement.

ill on February 5

On Saturday, her condition worsened and she was again admitted to the hospital and she was back on ventilator support. He underwent aggressive treatment before dying of multiple organ failure due to his health conditions.

Dr Pratat Samdani, who is treating her, said, “It is with utmost sadness that we are announcing the passing away of Lata Mangeshkar at 8:12 am. After more than 28 days of hospitalization, the daughter-in-law He has died because of organ failure.” told news agency ANI at Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai.

Complications of COVID-19 Pneumonia

Although she showed mild COVID-19 symptoms, she was also diagnosed with pneumonia. He was treated in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai for a month.

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the air sacs inside the lungs. In pneumonia, the patient’s lungs fill with fluid, which causes difficulty in breathing. Shortness of breath, chest pain and chills are some of the common symptoms of pneumonia.

A research study published in the journal Radiology on February 1, 2022, states, “Viral pneumonia has been uniquely aggressive during the pandemic. These viral lung infections can progress to adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), resulting in There could be death.”

Other COVID-19 pneumonia symptoms include nausea, body aches, headache, loss of smell and taste, congestion, sore throat, fast heartbeat, dizziness and heavy sweating, the report said.

A report by WebMD states, “About 15% of COVID-19 cases are severe. This means they may require treatment with oxygen in the hospital. About 5% of people have severe infections and They need ventilators.”

“Anybody can get COVID-19 pneumonia, but people 65 or older are more likely to get it. People 85 or older are most at risk,” the report said.

multiple organ failure

Even after showing signs of improvement on 28 January, Lata ji’s health deteriorated on 5 February when she was again admitted to the hospital. He breathed his last a day later on Sunday. According to Dr Pratat Samdani at Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai, he died due to multi-organ failure after being hospitalized for more than 28 days.
