Lawyer stamps ‘Brahmin’, ‘Jat’ on cars on Delhi roads

Last Update: January 31, 2023, 08:04 IST

Lawyer slams cars with caste-specific labels in Delhi (Credits: Twitter/@mynameswatik)

Swati Khanna shared pictures of two cars with ‘Brahmin’, ‘Jat’ stickers in Delhi and criticized India’s ‘obsession’ with caste.

Racism is a deep rooted reality India And disturbing examples of this keep popping up on the internet. Swati Khanna, a lawyer, shared Pictures of two cars with ‘Brahmin’ and ‘Jat’ stickers in Delhi, and he took to Twitter to express his displeasure. “Indians’ obsession with their so-called worthless caste. Still no punishment for these people?” Khanna wrote.

“Will challenge them to write the highest educational qualification of the female members of their family. That would actually be something worth rejoicing over,” wrote one Twitter user. “They don’t even understand where it’s kept it sucks, except for the fact of proving that insecurity knows no bounds,” Said another.

Examples of casteism in India are sometimes manifest like stickers on cars, sometimes more violent and sometimes they make a mockery of seemingly “harmless” things. such as Bizarre ‘Brahmin Cookies’ Freshly baked for one’s thread ceremony. The cookies depict a Brahmin figure wearing a thread. Thoughtful Baking Studio is known for custom-designing cookies for a variety of occasions.

In a more blatant example, a Twitter user who goes by @peeleraja, using the “Brahmin” prefix in his name, shared pictures of restaurants and cafes in Bengaluru that are available on food delivery platforms Zomato and Swiggy. Most Indian societies are deeply casteist and branding restaurants with caste names triggered a debate on the microblogging platform, with opinions varying as to whether or not the tag for the restaurant was meant to be a caste indication.

Recently, ‘pure veg’ started trending on Twitter after a user called such signs outside restaurants “disrespectful” and “un-inclusive”. “All these “pure vegan” signs in food stores are offensive and non-inclusive,” wrote a Twitter user. Clearly stating that other food preferences are “impure” and legitimizing discrimination against people with diverse preferences ” Whether or not “pure vegetarian” was essentially a caste indicator, or if it meant pure vegetarian food, ie without eggs, onions and the like. Others said it meant that such restaurants cooked exclusively vegetarian food.

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