Learn how a flame appears and behaves in microgravity, courtesy NASA

We know how flames behave on Earth, thanks to our use of fire for thousands of years. But how it would behave in microgravity in space is still an enigma. Understanding its behavior in space is important for the safety of astronomers on future space missions. In space, reduced gravity produces flames that look different. Flames appear spherical in microgravity. However, on Earth, gravity pulls the cooler, denser air down, and the hot gases from the flame rise. This creates both the shape of the flame and the flickering effect.

Also, there is a possibility that a change in gravity could change the way fire spreads. Microgravity can also make it difficult to extinguish. NASA is studying this behavior through its Advanced Combustion through Microgravity Experiments (ACME). Astronauts recently completed the project after more than 1,500 fires aboard the International Space Station — in a safe, specially designed chamber. But the agency is set to launch a mission Saturday that will help scientists improve fire safety on missions to the Moon and Mars.

In a recent Instagram update, the agency shared an image of how the flames appeared. “Learning how flame flickers in the space station’s unique microgravity environment is helping scientists develop cleaner combustion engines on Earth – and design safer spacecraft for our future trips to the Moon and Mars ,” it said in the caption.

The photo above is a composite image using data from nine different tests of ACME’s Flame Design Experiment, NASA said. It also said that a cargo ship, which is scheduled to launch at 12:39 pm EST (11:09 pm IST) on Saturday, will carry Sophie, or Solid Fuel Ignition and Extinction, to the station, allowing scientists to study flame behavior. will help in continuing the study. in microgravity.

Although SoFIE aims to study fire safety measures in space, scientists hope to use the experiment’s data to improve fire safety on Earth.
