Letter to Editor – April 26, 2022


Developmental measures introduced for Jammu and Kashmir and on the anvil (page 1 and editorial, both April 25) may be short far from delhi (distance from Delhi) But it remains a billion dollar question whether they will decrease heart distance (distance from the heart). The Prime Minister knows, or should know, that “man does not live by bread alone”. The hostility towards the present government remains… the promise of restoring statehood also remains a mirage.

Ayyassery Rabindranath,

Aranmula, Kerala

new role

Prashant Kishor’s credentials as an election strategist are undeniable, but it will be interesting to see what kind of role he plays when he joins the Congress. Having worked for political parties with conflicting ideologies, and quite successfully, he understands the pulse of the voter. But the voter’s perception of Mr. Kishor remains unproven. While some look up to him for his political prowess, he also comes across as a salesword, rendering his services to the highest bidder by representing parties across the spectrum. His transition from an election strategist to a full-time politician will not be too difficult, as he has mastered the art of party-hopping – the most important trait needed for a politician in today’s political landscape.

Deepak Prabhakar,
