Letter to Editor – December 24, 2021

The oxymoronic description of the winter session as warm was appropriate and that it emitted more heat but much less light (p. 1, “Hot Winter Session Ends a Day Earlier”, December 23). The government can boast about the productivity of the Lok Sabha (82%) and the Rajya Sabha (48%), but the yield has been substandard. The Electoral Laws (Amendment) Bill 2021 and the Bill to increase the marriageable age of women were shortened. In this tale of Sonic and Fury, the only saving grace seemed to be the gracious decision to end the season prematurely.

Aranmula, Kerala

We are mostly aware of the scenario of Indian families, where women are often discouraged from working after marriage citing their ‘responsibility’ to look after the family. But the decision taken by the government to consider changing the marriage age of girls can now give them more opportunities to better educate themselves and contribute to development.

Tumakuru, Karnataka

As far as the Prohibition of Child Marriage (Amendment) Bill, 2021 is concerned, the enrollment for higher education by women may be improved. For this the government needs to ensure that there are better avenues to pursue higher education. Educational institutions can also be made ideal places where social awareness can be organized on the health and rights of women. Educational attainment enables social reform.

Ernakulam, Kerala

One can only think of girls from poor families, who may have little opportunities to pursue further education. The government needs to improve such opportunities for such sections of the society.

Vasai Road, Maharashtra

It would be a matter of happiness if the welfare of women was seen beyond the prism of marriage. The causes of minor marriages are poverty and traditional views about marriage. These underlying conditions cannot be challenged by simply raising the age of marriage. Access to education and employment for women from low-income households could have a deeper impact than the amended law. Laws cannot be a shortcut in the path of social reform.

Nadia, West Bengal

Existing laws should be properly implemented. If ‘pro-women’ governments want to demonstrate true empowerment, they need to initially give women equal representation in their cabinets.

New Delhi

Reports, “Hallelujah! Churches, temples share the joy of Christmas” (December 23), was an eye-opener. Whenever election season comes, polarization is done to garner votes. Fraternity will take India further. Not communal division.

Patiala, Punjab
