Letter to Editor – December 9, 2021

The death of Chief of Defense Staff General Bipin Rawat, Smt. Rawat and other defense personnel in a helicopter crash in the Nilgiris is a great shock. The nation will never forget his strategic leadership with regard to cross-border attacks. Commanding Indian troops as part of UN peacekeeping efforts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, he held the Indian flag high. As the first Chief of Defense Staff, he emphasized on reducing costly defense imports.


I am writing this letter as Retired Deputy Registrar General (Census), Government of India and United Nations Census Adviser. That the gross under registration of disabled people vaccinated with both doses has been low would be evident from the following. In the 2011 Census, persons with disabilities were enumerated under these categories: visual impairment; at the hearing; in speech; in movement; mental retardation; Mental illness and multiple disabilities. The census enumerators were well trained through instruction manuals and training sessions on the definition of each category to cover persons with disabilities in a household without any lapses. Had such an approach been adopted by immunization staff to identify persons with disabilities, the exact number of persons with disabilities (as defined by the Census) who had been vaccinated would have been known (in the inner pages, “Persons with Disabilities”. Vaccination coverage is low, statistics show”, 8 December). Due to work pressure, immunization staff should have registered a person as disabled if he/she declared himself/herself so. Such declarations are usually voluntary. are not done.


TMC’s Abhishek Banerjee’s claim is ridiculous (page 1, “Trinamool is the center of the opposition: Abhishek”, December 8).

TMC leader Mamata Banerjee neither has experience in running a national coalition nor does she have a sufficient number of followers outside Bengal. Without any consensus programme, how does the TMC hope to become the “base of the delusional political front”?

Chakdaha, Nadia, West Bengal
