Letter to Editor – January 11, 2022

The observation of the author (Editorial page, “Some Raj Bhavans are on the Battle Path”, 10 January) that the Governor should take care to be a ‘friend and guide of his government’ is in my view hypothetical. Governors, who are essentially political appointees, are inclined to display their loyalty to their masters, and to do so by unnecessarily disturbing the respective State Governments, interfering in the day-to-day administration, etc. I am reminded of a comment by a former chief minister of Tamil Nadu. Translated, it was: Goats don’t need tails and states don’t need governors!


It is imperative for the Governors to create an atmosphere of goodwill and camaraderie with the executive heads, identify closely with the states in which they are posted and act as a living bridge between the states and the Centre.


Fails to understand the need for governors. Most of them are political appointees who act at the behest of the ruling party at the Center and are at loggerheads with states under opposition rule. They live in huge palaces and have little to do with the state administration. Their duties can be easily performed by the Chief Justices of the State High Courts. It is high time Parliament abolished the post of Governor and reduced administrative instability.


Those appointed governors are expected to be learned persons of a high intellectual capacity and of great moral fibre. This chowki has become a parking spot for the leaders of the ruling party at the Centre. It is a matter of concern that some governors have made it their mission to give tough time to some state governments. The time has come to review the actions of the Governor.


Unless each lawyer acts as an arbitrator, the arbitration law that could have been enacted would have no effect. Before filing a case for a client in court, his lawyer should analyze whether there exists any element of settlement of a dispute with his client’s opponent and advise the client accordingly. The law should be made such that unless the possibilities of dispute resolution are explored, no matter in respect thereof should be allowed to be filed in the court.


It is unfortunate that there are reports that technology is being used to spread violence and communal hatred.

The involvement of youth behind the use of such technologies is disappointing in some respects. The ability to spread hatred and manipulate social media is having a detrimental effect.

Siliguri, West Bengal
