Letter to the Editor – January 13, 2022

Election time is always a time for politicians to jump from party to party to grab money and power. So far, the Congress party has been the most affected party by the resignations and defection of senior leaders. Now it is the turn of the BJP in Uttar Pradesh, which has suffered a setback with the resignation of senior minister and a powerful OBC leader Swami Prasad Maurya. (Page 1, “Shock to BJP ahead of elections, senior minister quits UP government”, Jan 12). One thing has become very clear from this development that people, especially in Uttar Pradesh, are eagerly looking for change as they are fed up with the divisive and communal hatred policies of the BJP. People have now become wiser to think about their future. They will no longer be deceived by hollow slogans of misgovernance. They want a government that cares about the welfare of the people and not its own agenda.


D Sethuraman,

