Letter to the Editor – June 14, 2022

Residential Projects in Sri Lanka

The rapid rise of a certain business house in India, and in a short period of time, will always arouse suspicion. The assumption is that this is impossible without government support. The Sri Lankan President is being accused of a special power project in Sri Lanka involving this business group following “pressure” from the Indian Prime Minister (page 1, June 13). Although the charge has since been withdrawn, there will always be an element of doubt about the veracity of the charge. One can expect a strong denial from the ruling party in India and the support of the Prime Minister from the entire ecosystem, but doubts remain.

Anthony Henriques,



Are we living in a democracy or a dictatorship country? ‘Bulldozer culture’ raises questions: The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh is the Chief Minister or he is the Raja of Uttar Pradesh, whose law is it? Even though the house of the arrested political activist was an “illegal construction”, the law should have taken its course. Bulldozer culture is reminiscent of the terrorist regime of Idi Amin. It seems to be a new India where hate speech is ‘achievement’, protest is ‘crime’ and bulldozing is ‘justice’.

A. Jainulabdeen,


Criteria for Approval

The government’s stringent norms for endorsements are welcome (June 12). Advertising should not be just a business to make money or to gain more popularity. The new norms will make the endorsers more responsible, understanding and accountable.

CG Kuriakose,

Mallippara, Kothamangalam, Kerala