Letter to the Editor – March 11, 2022

strong ties

The visit of Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to India has undoubtedly confirmed the growing rapprochement between the two countries.

Claiming India to be a top-tier security partner, the Australian leader underlined his country’s resolve to further strengthen the growing strategic partnership between the two major countries in the Indo-Pacific region.

Being a key member of the Quad, Australia has warmed to India not only to strengthen its strategic ties, but also to strengthen its trade partnership with India against the backdrop of China losing its status as a trusted trading partner. To strengthen appears to be even more determined. partner. There is no doubt that the growing camaraderie between India and Australia augurs well for both the countries.

M Jayaram,

Sholavandan, Tamil Nadu

dog problem

The menace of stray dogs, as highlighted in the editorial (March 8), will continue to wreak havoc unless clear steps are taken to eliminate the menace to children, women and the elderly. Although there are Samaritans who are willing to help dogs in distress, there are some organizations that stand in the way of controlling the dog population. Dog ear comes in handy while reading but dog fighting at almost all parts of the day is really annoying!

K Chellappan,


Our society seems to be engulfed in issues that often hinder our progress in almost every area of ​​development. There is an uproar by animal lovers when there are increasing cases of a ‘dog menace’, and measures to be taken to sterilize/neuter stray dogs. There should be a law to address such issues, especially when it is in the larger interest of the society.

Ravi Mathur,

Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Just a few days ago, I read a report that stray dogs were chasing a mother and son on a scooter, causing the woman to fall and meet with a horrific accident. How long shall we continue to bear this danger? The concerned organizations should be realistic and ensure public safety. We cannot give up the right to safety in public areas. Governments should think of enacting an act to allow only licensed domestic pets.

VK Gopalan,
