Libra Horoscope May 2022: Education, career, business, love, marriage and children – Times of India

Libra Horoscope May 2022 for Students: Education
As far as your academic front is concerned, this month will bring very good results as the hard work you have been putting in for a year will pay off. Those who have applied for admission in medical or paramedical field will surely get good news. People doing MBA or BBA will get good internship in their field of interest in the second half of the month.
Career of Libra natives in May 2022
Your career front will flourish this month. People looking for new jobs will find a way to go to places where their knowledge and skills will be appreciated. Those who are doing government jobs, we will find it difficult to deal with the increased responsibilities on their part.
Business Predictions for Libra in May 2022
Your business front will be strong this month. As Venus enters the 11th house in the second week of the month, you will be able to make really good gains and you will also be able to pay off your debts this month. The third week of the month will not be suitable for starting a new venture but you can transfer that process to the last week of the month.
Love Life in May 2022 for Libra
Your love life will need attention this month as your partner will not be able to deal very well with the issues that they are facing on their personal and domestic fronts. Try not to be harsh towards their irrational behavior. Things will improve in your relationship in the third week of the month.
Marriage – Libra Horoscope May 2022
There will be no such problem on your marital front in the first half of the month, but for those who are married, the latter part of the month will be very difficult. Your spouse will become irritable due to increasing responsibilities and this will create unnecessary problems. Things will be fine by having darshan together in Shiv Parvati temple.
Children – Libra Horoscope May 2022
Your babies will enhance their mental abilities this month, they will also be able to manage their changing emotions and they will adapt very well to the new routine. In the latter half of the month, they will be busy preparing for the new academic year as their inquisitive nature will make them more active.