Libyan dictator Gaddafi’s son killed in presidential race: Report – Times of India

Tripoli: Son of Libyathe late dictator Muammar Gaddafi appeared on Sunday for the first time in nearly a decade to register as a presidential candidate for December’s vote, as plans were made to help end the years of chaos since his father was toppled . Saif al-Islam al-Gaddafi, 49, appeared in an election commission video in a traditional brown robe and turban and with a gray beard and glasses, signing documents at the city’s election center Apple, Gaddafi is one of the most prominent figures to run for the presidency, a list that also includes Eastern military commander Khalifa Haftar, PM Abdulhamid al-Dabiba and parliament speaker Aguila Saleh.
However, while his name is one of the most famous in Libya, he has barely been seen for a decade. His formal entry into an election, the rules of which are still contested by rival factions of Libya, may also cast new questions on a contest that has featured candidates seen as unacceptable in some regions. Despite public support from most Libyan factions and foreign powers for elections to be held on 24 December, the vote remains in doubt as rival entities dispute rules and timelines.
While Gaddafi is likely to play nostalgia for the era before the NATO-backed uprising of 2011, which ousted his father from power and started a decade of chaos and violence, analysts say he is the frontrunner. Those cannot be proved. The Gaddafi era is still remembered by many Libyans as a harsh autocracy, while Saif Al Islam And other former regime figures have been out of power for so long that they may find it difficult to garner as much support as major rivals. Muammar Gaddafi was captured and summarily shot by opposition fighters outside his hometown of Sirte in October 2011. Saif al-Islam was captured a few days later by fighters in the mountainous Zintan region as he tried to flee Libya. Niger,
