LIC unveils Pragati App for Development Officers

Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) has announced the launch of a new mobile app ‘Pragati’ (Performance Review Application, Growth & Trend Indicator) for exclusive use of its Development Officers.

LIC said that ‘Pragati’ is a comprehensive mobile application which gives various information which is updated in real time about the performance of agency force in critical areas of business performance like premium collection, agency activation, potential MDRT/Centurion Agents. Is. To monitor the activities of agents like mobile app and verification of NACH (National Automated Clearing House) by their team.

There is also a calculator to measure their cost ratio.

“In these days of digital explosion, gathering information is crucial for any officer to discharge his duties effectively. LIC said in a statement, the scenario becomes more important when it pertains to the marketing vertical of any organization where real-time data and information is extremely essential for decision making and market growth strategy formulation.


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