Life on ‘Arakis’? Study finds that humans can live in a desert planet like Dune

With temperatures going up to 70 degrees Celsius, the desert world of Arrakis from the Dune movie and novels seems like a completely habitable setup. But can there still be some hope? At least this latest climate study of the hypothetical planet suggests so. Frank Herbert, who wrote the novel Dune in 1965, described Arrakis as a sparsely populated desert land with no natural rainfall or bodies of surface water with temperatures up to 70 degrees.

So, researchers from the University and University of Bristol and the University of Sheffield took these details and went on their mission to find out if it was possible to live in that setup. According to a report in The Conservation, the researcher then built a model and fed various data points into the system.

The study revealed that the said description would give them whisper clouds over a desert landscape with dense patches around the poles and equator.

To determine how habitable Arakis would be to humans, the researchers used climate models similar to those used to predict Earth’s weather and climate. To understand the physical laws that apply in the fictional world of Arakis, the researchers recorded data about mountains, the position of the planet in orbit, the Sun’s strength, and atmospheric compositions.

The model used the input to simulate the climate and how the weather was going to be during different times of the year

In the simulated setup, the researcher kept the physical laws the same as on Earth. The atmospheric composition was also kept the same but with lower levels of carbon dioxide.

However, the most significant difference between Arrakis and Earth was the concentration of ozone, which is 0.000001 percent of the lower atmosphere on Earth. But in the case of Arrakis, it was 0.5 percent and had a significant impact on climate because ozone is 65 times more effective at warming the atmosphere than CO2.

So, when the results came out, he had a different story to tell. While the books suggested that the polars of Arrakis were more hospitable and that most people lived in mid-latitude regions, the data showed the opposite result.

The study showed that the warmest month in the tropics of Arrakis only went up to 45 °C and the coldest month did not drop below 15 °C. This is similar to the temperature in many.

However, in the case of the polar and mid-altitude regions of Arrakis, the summer temperature went up to 70 °C. Winters can be extremely difficult with the mercury dropping to minus 40 degrees.

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