LinkedIn removes 6 lakh fake profiles listing Apple as its employer: Report

As fake accounts are increasing on the web every year, this time according to a report, LinkedIn removed over 6,00,000 fake profiles that listed Apple as their employer. However, the number of profiles listing Apple as their employer was halved in a 24-hour period. This obviously doesn’t mean that over 300,000 people left Apple in a single day, but the crackdown on fake and spam accounts on the platform by LinkedIn.

Jay Pinho, who works as a Developer Linkedin, was the first to report on LinkedIn the growing number of Apple and Amazon employees. Pinho not only works on products but also oversees the daily workforce in large organizations. He told Krebs on Security, a cybersecurity blog, that his scarper shows that “the number of LinkedIn profiles claiming current roles at Amazon fell from about 1.25 million to 8,38,601 in just one day, a drop of 33%.” “

Similarly, according to Pinho, the total number of LinkedIn profiles claiming to work at Apple dropped by about 50% as of October 10.

The removal of fake accounts after the CEO of the crypto exchange company reported a drop in headcount, LinkedIn told Business Insider. Binancerevealed on Twitter that “LinkedIn has 7000 profiles of ‘Binance employees’, of which only 50 or so are genuine.”

He alerted users about ‘scams’ and warned his followers to be ‘beware’. Fake profiles are often created on LinkedIn to commit financial fraud.

Speaking of fake accounts, LinkedIn spokesman Greg Snapper told Insider, “We take regular action to prevent fake accounts on our platform and are constantly improving our systems to stop fakes before they come online. are. While this is an ongoing challenge, given how bad actors are becoming more sophisticated, we prevent most of the fraudulent activity found in our community—about 96% of fake accounts and about 99.1% of spam and scams.”

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