Liquorice and Fennel Kadha: An Effective Cold and Cough Remedy Shared by the Expert

does your family make you homemade sips Hard, Whenever you are sick Well, this is a common scenario in every Indian household. Seasonal health problems spare no one. These days, every other person you know is battling with cold or cough because of the weather conditions. Sometimes it is accompanied by flu or fever. In such situations home remedies come to the rescue. Yes, you can always go to the doctor and take medicines but since cold and cough are common, sometimes they can be treated at home. Have you ever heard of liquorice? Do you know that this herb plays a vital role in helping you deal with seasonal cold and cough? Nutritionist Lovneet Batra mentioned a delicious decoction – Mulethi (liquor) and Saunf (Fennel seeds) decoction on her Instagram Stories. He highlighted the importance of getting help to help you deal with the cough.

Read also: Kadha for immunity: Prepare this herbal medicine with native Indian herbs and spices

Lovneet shares the following health benefits of liquorice and fennel decoction:

1) Having potent anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and anti-asthmatic properties, licorice plays an important role in treating the symptoms of common cold, cough and flu.

2) Fennel contains a mixture of anti-oxidants, antimicrobial constituents and anti-inflammatory volatile oil, which helps in reducing the risk of cold, cough and flu and provides quick relief.

Not just cold and cough, licorice drink also plays an important role in helping women dealing with pcos, While there are many medical treatments available for managing PCOS, nutritionist Lavneet Batra recommends drinking mulethi at home which can be equally effective.

How can you make this healthy drink? Boil a 3-inch long piece of licorice bark in water and consume it first thing in the morning. In PCOS, elevated androgen levels can worsen menstrual cycle issues in women with PCOS. Liquorice can help balance the hormones inside the body.

there are many desi super drink Which you can prepare at home for a healthy lifestyle. “What we drink can be more powerful in making or breaking our health than what we eat. So, find your tonic and drink it,” adds Lavneet. She talks about water (hormonal balance), sattu (muscle builder) and wheatgrass juice (energy booster).

Do you consume any of these drinks at home?

(This content including advice provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult an expert or your own doctor for further details. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information does.)

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