Live: Revelation Regulation in Technology – Episode 5

In the latest dispatch of ‘Revelation regulation with technology’, Sreeja Agarwal talks to Supratim Chakraborty and Abhinav Chandan, partner at Khaitan & Co., about data protection and more.

The scramble for power over those controlling cyberspace has been unanimously awarded to Big Tech, making them a highly profitable enterprise that has gained a massive foothold despite less-than-secret rules and draconian liability laws. Is. This perverse power means that everyone is struggling to figure out how to counter these behemoths.

There seems to be no accountability, a vast gap between inequality and lack of opportunities and this is not a problem familiar only to India. What is going to happen in India during this information age? We have the Privacy and Data Protection Bill (PDP) which is under examination, giving several extensions to the submission of reports. But can it keep pace with the dynamic economic and social reality we live in? Or will the regulation of Big Tech in India be just ad hoc? Certainly, it is great that in this new wave of digitization, the government is also adopting technology and data-driven governance is becoming more and more prominent, especially since COVID-19. But, while the adoption of technological capabilities can be commended, doesn’t this also mean free access to layers and layers of personal data of Indian citizens that is largely unchecked?

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