Liz Truss vows to rebuild Britain, will deal with problems immediately on first day as UK prime minister

On her first day as prime minister, newly-elected Liz Truss vowed to deal immediately with one of the biggest problems, an impending recession and industrial strife. In her speech as prime minister, Liz Truss pledged to “get out of the storm” of the economic crisis. Liz Truss said her government would “turn Britain into an aspirational nation”.

Liz Truss listed three of her priorities that she would immediately begin tackling: (i) spurring economic growth by cutting taxes, (ii) offering help with energy bills and securing supplies, and (iii) public Dealing with healthcare.

Liz Truss, standing in front of No. 10 Downing Street, said: “I believe that together we can get out of the storm. We can rebuild our economy, and we can become the modern genius Britain I know we are.” may be.”

Liz Truss, the fourth Conservative prime minister in six years, flew to the royal family’s Scottish home, where He was invited by Queen Elizabeth II to form the government. Liz Truss replaces Boris Johnson, who served three years in a scandal-ridden government. He was forced to resign after several ministers left in his cabinet.

“We are now facing serious global headwinds due to Russia’s horrific war in Ukraine and the aftermath of COVID,” liz truss “I believe that together we can weather the storm. We can rebuild our economy, and we can become the modern genius Britain I know we can be,” he said.

However, it has inherited a crisis-ridden economy, with inflation in double digits, rising energy costs and the Bank of England warning of a prolonged recession until the end of this year. Already, workers across the economy have gone on strike.

‘Will deal with the energy crisis’

UK Prime Minister Liz Truss has also vowed to “hand-handle” the energy crisis, which she said has been caused by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine.

The energy crisis, linked to rising gas prices due to Russia’s war in Ukraine, is one of the refuse items in-tray. He must also unite a divided Conservative Party and win over his backbenchers, most of whom did not support him in the first leg of the race to replace Johnson.

Liz Truss insisted, “We must not be afraid of the challenges we face, we can ride out the storm, we can rebuild our economy and we can become the modern, brilliant Britain I know.” that we can be.”

(with agency input)

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