look | Harvest season for saffron farmers of Pampore

It is that time of the year again, when the harvesting of saffron brings alive Pampore in Jammu and Kashmir.

Kashmir, India’s major saffron producer, has been cultivating the crimson spice in the valley for hundreds of years.

Pampore, about 13 km south of Srinagar, is known for its spice cultivation and is often referred to as Kesar Town for growing the best quality saffron.

Pampore accounts for 90 percent of the saffron produced in the state.

The purple waves of saffron fields are a great attraction for tourists visiting Jammu and Kashmir.

Every year, as October approaches, every member of the town’s families can be seen plucking crocus flowers and collecting them in wicker baskets.

After picking the crocus flowers from the fields, the process of pulling saffron from the purple flowers begins and is often a family venture.

Saffron fibers are one of the most expensive spices in the world by weight.

It takes more than 4,500 crocus flowers to make just one ounce of saffron, making it a very high-priced ingredient for cooking.

Saffron lends a distinct flavor and color to food and in India, and is used in most Mughal dishes.

Known for its aroma, color and medicinal value, Kashmir saffron was given to GI tag in 2020.

Read also: Kashmir saffron gets GI tag

Unplanned construction and industrial activities have reduced the land under saffron cultivation in Kashmir.

According to officials and cultivators, the cash crop yield in the state has come down by 80 per cent in the last two decades.

From 7000 hectares in Pampore tehsil alone in 1990, the land under saffron cultivation across Kashmir has come down to 3600 hectares.

Saffron growers in Pampore have said that there has been a sharp decline in the yield in the last few years.

Despite efforts by the Agriculture Department to introduce saffron cultivation in areas with similar topography to Pampore, the crop still faces the threat of extinction.

The National Saffron Mission was set up in 2010 to help restore the saffron sector.

Among other things, they provided sprinklers and taps to help with irrigation and conducted research to increase productivity. But the mission has failed to fulfill its goals.
