look | Luxury Bus-Boat Service in Srinagar

A video on state-of-the-art luxury water buses in river Jhelum that can provide an alternative mode of transport

The 170 km long Jhelum river in Srinagar is about to get its own luxury bus-boat service.

an. first trial run of air conditioned water bus took place in July and has rekindled hopes of providing a possible alternative means of transport to the once buzzing nerve center of trade in Kashmir.

Jammu and Kashmir government officials hope to attract more tourists with the luxury water bus.

Passengers can enjoy views of the riverbank through glass windows that cover the boat from all sides.

The state-of-the-art vessel is shipped from New Zealand and has a music system and a television.

The water bus is a 35 seater covered boat and has the capacity to carry 30 passengers and five crew members.

For centuries the Jhelum river was the most active mode of transport and carried fruits, grains and wood from one end of the valley to the other.

In the first part of this century, it gradually reduced to ceremonial processions by the Dogra rulers.


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