look | Sean Levy on ‘The Adam Project’

The director, whose projects include the Oscar-nominated film “Arrival” and the Netflix series “Stranger Things,” takes on the full power and dangers of the long shadow of childhood in his latest sci-fi film

The director, whose projects include the Oscar-nominated film “Arrival” and the Netflix series “Stranger Things,” takes on the full power and dangers of the long shadow of childhood in his latest sci-fi film

,Director Shawn Levy says ‘The Adam Project’ is a family drama. “And the film uses spectacle and the sci-fi genre as a vehicle for emotional storytelling.”

Starring Mark Ruffalo, Jennifer Garner and Zoe Saldana, it stars Adam Reed, played by Ryan Reynolds, who is racing against time to fix things in the past. There are some moving feelings as he uses time travel to meet his younger self, about the mothers who make endless sacrifices, the nature of grief, and the things we do for love. Huh. And given the limited number of reactions to the film so far, Levy says it is now clear to him that it is “the sentiment that has stuck the most”.

Coincidentally, 53-year-old Levi was one of the co-producers on Denis Villeneuve’s “Arrival” (2016). Besides being the story of a linguist trying to figure out the language of mysterious aliens, it was ultimately about a single mother making sense of a fractured past involving her daughter. The film was nominated that year for the Academy Award for Best Picture.

Read full story The Human Story of the Adam Project