look | This Bengaluru man turns junk into art

look | This Bengaluru man turns junk into art

Dheeraj Sharma is the founder of 8Mango, an organization that transforms all kinds of junk into artefacts and gifts.

It is Sharma’s ability to find inspiration in mundane, discarded objects that makes his art so special. Broken jewellery, hand-cut toys of her seven-year-old son, entrails of laptops and watches, waste paper, broken bicycle spokes and much more have been transformed into 3D portraits, miniature sculptures and quirky artworks by her capable hands .

Currently, he works part-time as a creative consultant for a start-up, juggling both his career and his art with ease.

Sharma is also associated with TEDx Hyderabad, working as an experience partner with the initiative since 2017, and was part of a show on Sony Entertainment Television between 2008 and 2011, where he created art from waste, a An experience they love very much.

Read the whole story here

Story: Preeti Zakaria

Video and Production: Ravichandran N.

Voiceover: Nalme Nachiyar