Looking for a new air purifier? So don’t miss these deals

You can get great offers and discounts on air purifiers right now with the Amazon Great Indian Festival, and we’ve picked the best ones you should check out. If you live in cities where winter brings a new wave of air quality issues, which intensify over the next few months, air purifiers are now a necessity, not a luxury. Of course, with a large number of air purifiers in the market, it is difficult to find the right one to buy and with the deals on offer it can be even more difficult to choose.

We can help ease the decision with a few different deals we’ve seen in sales. We will also discuss the things you should keep in mind while buying an air purifier. we have broken the work of How to buy air purifier?, but at the most basic level, you have a fan, which sucks the polluted air into the purifier, pushes it through a filter (called a HEPA filter) that cleans out suspended particles such as pollutants and germs, and it Pushes the room out again. This process of cleaning the air is measured by your air purifier’s CADR or Clean Air Delivery Rate, and the higher the number, the faster the air will be cleaned.

So, when buying an air purifier, two things to make sure of is whether it is using a HEPA filter to clean the air more effectively, and whether the CADR is good enough for your purposes. The bigger a room, the more CADR you need. American Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers recommended A CADR that’s 2/3 the size of the room—and Fuji has presented a helpful Table This lets you see what the minimum CADR is for your needs.

Best Air Purifier Deals at Amazon Great India Festival

Keeping that in mind, we looked at the various deals available on air purifiers this year that will suit different budgets and needs. We looked for air purifiers that are not only great at cleaning the air in your room but are also being offered at great discounts from MRP, so that you can get a good deal when buying a device that will make you Will keep it safe

Here are five air purifiers with great deals and discounts that you can buy now:

Dyson Pure Cool Link Air Purifier

These Wi-Fi enabled air purifiers from Dyson can be controlled from your phone, support automated routines, and come with loads of useful features. In addition, Dyson’s customer support is one of the best in product categories. And it is not sad that these are also the most stylish air purifiers ever. We reviewed them air purifiers more than once, and found them to be quite effective as well.

Right now, this air purifier is available for Rs. Against the MRP of Rs 24,900. 43,900, and it is a great option in this budget. There are also bank offers, no-cost EMIs and cash back which further reduce the effective value.

It meets your air purification needs and comes with a huge discount right now along with features. Dyson has other models with features like heating and humidifiers as well, so you can pick one based on your needs.

Buy Dyson Pure Cool Link Air Purifier

Honeywell Air Touch V2 Air Purifier

This Honeywell air purifier has a CADR of 250 cmh and is suitable for use in rooms of approximately 200-250 sq ft (with a coverage area of ​​387.5 sq ft). It has a filter life of one year, and the replacement filter is priced at Rs. 2,350.

It is a simple, no-frills and effective product that is already priced competitively but is currently priced at Rs. 7,599 against the MRP of Rs. 12,299, apart from the standard bank offers and cash back, making it an even better buy. At this price, it’s one of the cheapest options you can find that still covers a fair amount of space and is effective, so it’s a great option for an air purifier at a low price.

Buy Honeywell Air Touch V2 Air Purifier

Mi Air Purifier 3

Mi Air Purifier 3 is easily one of the best budget in the category. Start Nearing the end of 2019, this air purifier has a follow-up to us Favorite Budget-Air Purifier, with some improvements. It has 22 per cent higher CADR and coverage area of ​​380 cm and 484 sq ft respectively as compared to the previous model. It can also be connected to Mi Home app and supports google assistant As well as Amazon Alexa, and comes with an OLED touchscreen display.

Right now it is selling for Rs. 9,298 against the MRP of Rs. 12,999, and of course you have additional offers like cash bank and bank specific offers that you can avail to get an even lower effective price.

Buy Mi Air Purifier 3

Philips AC2887 Air Purifier

Philips is one of the companies that has been at the forefront of air purifiers over the years – when air pollution levels in North India reached a crisis point, Philips was one of the first companies to have a clean There was a full range of consumer products. air, and it is still one of the leaders in this technology field today.

It has a range of air purifiers starting from Rs. 10,000 less than Rs. 40,000 – These have many different features but more importantly, the CADR varies between models, so keep this in mind with the size of your rooms when shopping. The AC2887 is a very popular model that balances budget and features, and has a CADR of 333 cmh. It is suitable for rooms of around 270-400 square feet, and is also a very quiet air purifier which makes it very convenient to use in the bedroom at night.

The AC2887 is currently available at Rs. 16,605 against and MRP. 22,995, and of course, you can drop it further, with cash back and bank offers, to get it at a great deal.

Buy Philips AC2887 Air Purifier

eureka forbes aeroguard ap700 air purifier

Eureka Forbes is a household name in water purification, so it wasn’t a surprise when the company began launching its own air purifiers as well. Although some of the early models were a little less attractive, it has by now made its mark and there are many great options for air purifiers. The AeroGuard AP700 is one of them, featuring a sleek and minimalist design, easy operation, and a five-year warranty.

It has got a coverage of 600 sq ft, and is currently priced at Rs. 9,210 against the MRP of Rs. 14,490, if you’re looking for a simple and effective device that doesn’t come with too many distractions, this is a great deal to pick up right now.

buy eureka forbes aeroguard ap700 air purifier

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