Looking for a soft drink that’s good for the skin too? Try Cucumber Lemonade

Just when you think you have managed to beat the heat by turning on the AC and cooler, your skin starts to activate. Summer can be really harsh at times! With rising temperatures and excessive sweating, the oil glands (sebaceous glands) in our skin become hyperactive, leading to skin problems like pimples, acne, rashes, irritation and more. And thus proper skin care acts as our first line of defense. While we agree, a good sunscreen lotion, aloe vera gel and face mist help you find instant relief, what you really need is complete nourishment from within. This is where your diet plays an important role – what you eat or drink can help turn the tide completely. And guess what, you don’t need to travel miles for those skin-friendly foods. Instead, simple ingredients from our fridge come to our rescue. Here we have got cucumber lemon water for summer skin care that will nourish your skin from within.

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Benefits of Cucumber Lemonade: How Cucumber Lemonade Helps to Boost Your Skin-Health:

Classic summer drinkCucumber lemonade helps us to get instant relief in the hot summer season. It’s soulful, cool and hydrates us within seconds. Besides, it nourishes our skin too! how, you ask? Cucumber and lemon both are perfect summer fruits and are loaded with various health benefits. Let’s explain further.

Cucumber For Healthy Skin: How does cucumber help with skin health in summers?

Cucumber Rich in antioxidants, folic acid and vitamin C that help flush out toxins and promote blood flow to cells. While antioxidants help in reducing wrinkles, Vitamin C aids in the growth of new cells in the body. These factors help in making your skin healthy, young and nourished from within.

Lemon For Healthy Skin: How lemon helps in skin health in summers?

Apart from being rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, Lemon It also contains alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) that help exfoliate dead skin cells. It further promotes the growth of healthy cells and nourishes the skin from within.

Read also: 7 recipes to repurpose plain lemonade into an interesting drink


Special summer drink: How to make cucumber lemonade at home:

This is possibly one of the easiest drinks to make at home during the summer months. All you have to do is mix crushed cucumber, lemon juice and sweetener and pour cold water or soda over it. You can also add some mint leaves and crushed ice before serving. Click here for recipe.

While this remains a basic lemonade recipe, you can go as creative as you want with the ingredients. Some add roasted cumin powder and black salt to it, some prefer to add seasonal fruits like jamun to make it palatable. Here we bring you one such cucumber lemonade recipe that is not only delicious but also acts as a perfect elixir for summers. Click here for recipe.

Try this drink this summer and sail through the extreme weather seamlessly.