Looking for Baking Tips? then this is your stop

Last Update: 28 August 2022, 17:01 IST

A birthday, wedding, graduation, promotion, or a nice day calls for cake. No celebration is complete without a cake, no matter how many different sweets are available in the market. Nothing can beat the uniqueness and nostalgic feeling associated with a cake. It adds more joy to the occasion, marks success and milestones, and makes a perfect gift to warm the heart of the celebration.

A store-bought cake may sound tempting, offering more colors and varieties, but nothing can match the fresh-out-of-the-oven aroma of a cake. Baking a cake perfectly is not an easy task. You need to whip it properly, the cake should rise properly and not deflate, making sure it doesn’t overcook or burn on top to ensure softness. Baking a cake requires some skill and a precise process.

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Here are some tips to help you become a good baker:

  1. The most important tip is to follow the recipe. Do not substitute ingredients in recipes such as substituting eggs, using all-purpose flour instead of cake flour, baking soda for powder, etc. Each ingredient serves a purpose in the recipe.
  2. If a recipe calls for room temperature ingredients such as eggs, cream, butter and milk, follow that strictly. Room temperature ingredients bond easily and quickly as they heat up—and prevent over-mixing. Cold ingredients do not emulsify together.
  3. Measure ingredients properly. Flour is the most inaccurately measured ingredient. When measuring out flour, use a spoon and pour the flour into the measuring cup, and flatten it with the back of your spoon.
  4. Do not mix more or less. Simply whisk or whisk the cake batter until the ingredients are combined. Over mixing of the batter causes the texture of the cake to harden due to the high gluten content.
  5. Ensure the quality of products and utensils. Prepare cake pans using parchment paper and greasing spray or butter. Grease the pan and parchment. This ensures an ultra non-stick environment for your cakes.
  6. Preheat the oven before preparing your cake. And while the cake is baking, don’t open the oven door to keep checking the cake. This brings in cool air and the change in temperature does not allow the cake to rise.

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