Looking for something delicious and nutritious? Try This Dal Bhaat Recipe

The process of preparing this dish is a bit complicated but quite rewarding.

It is necessary to remember that spices should be tempered in oil carefully.

Dal Bhaat is one of the most delicious and traditional Nepalese food for the locals and trekkers in the Himalayas. Dal Bhaat recipe includes lentils or lentils, steamed rice or rice. Dal Bhaat can be complemented with side dishes like steamed vegetables, vegetable curries, pickles and curd. It should be kept in mind that there are many ways to cook dal bhaat. Every cook uses different ingredients to prepare this dish. The process of preparing this dish is a bit complicated but quite rewarding.

preparation time

10 minutes

Cooking Time

45 minutes

total time

55 minutes

Ingredients in Dal Bhati

Brown or green lentils, mixed lentils, and red lentils (masoor dal).
flavorless oil
finely chopped onion
grated garlic
minced ginger
coriander seeds
finely chopped tomatoes
Mustard seeds
butter or ghee
Indian chutney or pickle to taste
black pepper to taste
finely chopped tomatoes
Sea salt (Himalayan pink salt would be better)


Wash and wash the dal thoroughly.
Cook rice properly.
heat oil in a big pan
Add chopped onion, garlic and ginger to the pan. Keep stirring this mixture till the onion turns golden.
Grind the spices (cumin, coriander etc.) to make the spice mixture. After this, add the spice mixture to the pan. It is necessary to remember that spices should be tempered in oil carefully.
Add butter. Now cook for some time and cover it.
Add dal and cook for 5 minutes.
Add water and bring to a boil according to cooking instructions for the selected lentils.
Serve your dish with rice, vegetables, pickles etc.

The best thing about dal bhaat is that it is delicious and filling. It is also nutritious, containing carbs, protein, fluids, vitamins and minerals. Cooking lentils is not an easy process so Sherpas and Tibetans living in the mountains have pressure cookers to speed up the process.

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