Love Capsule: I overheard my wife talking about loving her best friend – Times of India

Never in a million years did I think my wife was secretly cheating on me. I thought I knew him. I married a woman who is loyal, cheerful and very loyal to me. He is a natural; Everybody loves him. Everyone admires her for her beauty, personality and flexibility. But I guess, his being too friendly with everyone gets me into trouble. I can’t deny, I hate it when my wife is busy taking care of other people. She is always so busy that she has no time for me. And the little moments when we’re together, she seems really distracted. But what did I know, she was wanting someone else

I was completely oblivious to the fact that my wife and my best friend were seeing each other. After a tiring day, we fell asleep quickly one night. My wife soon fell asleep but I was awake because a lot was going on in my mind about some work project. Suddenly, my wife started whispering. She was sleeping, so it was lovely to watch her sleep talk. Suddenly she started moaning. Her brows shrunk a bit and she kept on moaning. But further, she cried out loudly, “Aman!” I was shocked! Aman is my best friend and we have been best friends since college. She was dreaming of having sex with my best friend. I was shocked, angry, heartbroken and angry. How can she do that?

After a while, she fell into a quiet, deep sleep. While I could not sleep. And so, I decided to piece together the puzzles. Upon looking into the matter, I realized several instances where my wife and my best friend could be found guilty. Whenever my wife did not reach for work, I called Aman to see if she was available to discuss some matters. He’ll be busy too. It seemed too much of a coincidence. So, I followed my wife to work on a random day. This was the only way to know the truth, except to confront him with what happened that night. My suspicion was correct. My wife met Aman and then both of them left.

Even after that it happened a few times. I haven’t confronted him about all this. I’m afraid that if I do, she will tell me the truth and find an excuse to leave it to me for someone else. I don’t want to lose him, but I don’t want to share him with any other man, let alone my best friend. I am averse to the idea of ​​befriending him. I don’t know what I’m going to do, but living with this lie is becoming unbearable moment by moment.

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