Love Gulab Jamun? Viral video shows how rose water is ready to flavor your favorite dessert

Have you ever wondered how some of our favorite sweets get their pink flavor? take the example of sweet dishOne of the most beloved sweets among Indians is named after a rose! The word ‘rose’ is derived from the Persian words gul (flower) and ab (water), referring to the rose-scented sugar syrup the fried khoya balls are soaked in. The fragrance of rose comes from the use of rose water or rose. Water This potent essence can make a dish more delicious by adding a few drops of it! But do you know how it is made? A viral video shared by Instagram food blogger @foodie_incarnate gives a glimpse of how this flower essence is made. The video has garnered over 4.8 million views and over 349k likes.

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How is rose water made? How is rose water prepared

This mind-blowing process uses simple mechanics to deliver this delicious essence. Firstly, 40-50 kg of best quality roses are plucked fresh from the fields. Flowers are added to human shaped pots, also known as Degh in Hindi. The pots are filled to the top until it is laden with flowers. Highly concentrated rose water and a little water are poured into the pot. After this, the pots are closed so that the essence does not flow out of the container. Now with cow’s cow dung, a fire is set under the utensils. A special contraption is attached to a hole within the sealed vessel so that the steam attached to the rose is captured in another smaller container, this second container that floats in water during the cooking process. The flowers are boiled for at least 4-5 hours.

After this, separate the small container from the den and put it in the water so that the condensation can take place and the steam of the rose turns into rose water. When it cools down, the rose water is ready! It is then packaged in bottles and sold commercially.

From every 40-50 kg, only a few grams of the purest form of Gulab Essence (Rooh Gulab) is obtained, which costs up to 15-20 lakhs per kg! Rose water is a byproduct of the rose rose.

People were amazed to see the process, here’s what they mentioned in the comments:

“Wow that’s awesome”

“This ghost is more wonderful”

“It’s similar to the process of making khus”



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