lovely solitude

“Why do you speak so little?” “Why are you always so silent?” “Don’t you like people?”

These are some of the questions that many people have asked me at different stages of my life. I didn’t really have the right answer to any of these questions. But I tried to locate one.

Amidst the ambiguity of the process, I began to observe or observe my behavior with others (especially my classmates).

For most of my classmates, the playground and canteen served as their neck of the woods. Conversely, I loved to catch some “me-time” at the library.

During the holidays, he chose to go out for a movie, whereas I preferred to be alone – to binge watch web series at home.

Even today they plan to gossip for hours in a cafe. On the other hand, in the evening, I grab a coffee and walk alone in my backyard garden. No talking, no gossip, just listening to birds chirping.

I thought his definition of “fun” was different from mine. Likes to be with other people and cannot live without talking to them. In this way they remove their stress and worries.

Conversely, I never felt the need for someone when I was worried or upset (unless that person was very close to me).

These comments made me realize that I like to spend more time with myself. I find myself wanting my partner more than anyone else. I like to walk in my “solitude”. This is where I feel free and happy, where I feel complete and confident, and where I love myself the most.

Solitude creates a place of ultimate peace for me.

Now back to those “frequently asked questions,” I’d like to say that I don’t speak too much because silence has its own story, and I’m more than thrilled to hear it. I don’t hate being with people, but I cherish my “solitude” more than anything else.