Lowering High Blood Sugar: Debunking the Myths About Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition which is increasing rapidly in recent times. Although the condition needs to be managed throughout life, its subsequent complications can be completely prevented and managed in people who have already developed it by following basic practices. The rise in the cases of diabetes has become a matter of concern for medical professionals. Diabetes is now emerging as a new epidemic in the country not only among the elders but also in the younger generation.

Diabetes that starts before the age of 40 is called type 2 diabetes, which starts early. Type 2 diabetes is usually more common in middle age and older age. Diabetes is becoming more common in children, adolescents and people in their 20s and 30s. This was not the case several decades ago. People often ignore symptoms because they don’t expect to be diagnosed with diabetes so early in life, and waiting to start treatment can do a lot of harm to young people.

Diabetologists from Sri Ramakrishna Hospital, Coimbatore shared that the complications of diabetes can be prevented, and if any complications have developed. It is possible to stop its further spread. There is a misconception that people with diabetes should be worried for life as diabetes can never be controlled. But this is not the reality. Most people with diabetes can control their condition and enjoy every aspect of life. Commonly diagnosed diabetes complications can include diabetic foot ulcers and kidney and eye issues.
Here are some practices suggested by experts at Sri Ramakrishna Hospital to prevent and treat complications of diabetes.

ALSO READ: EXCLUSIVE: Control Diabetes – 10 Daily Habits To Lower High Blood Sugar; check doctor’s advice

Weight Loss:

Shed those extra pounds. If one carries extra weight around the waist, fat can build up around organs such as the liver and pancreas. Due to this insulin also cannot work. Therefore, if one loses this weight, the insulin he makes or the insulin he injects may work better.

Keeping the body active:

Eating better goes hand in hand with getting more exercise. It can help control diabetes and reduce the chance that someone may have heart problems. This is because it makes the muscles use more glucose and improves the work of insulin in the body.

Quitting Smoking:

If one currently smokes, it should be discontinued. Diseases such as type 2 diabetes can develop from insulin resistance. Smoking can cause insulin resistance. If someone stops smoking, the chances of getting type 2 diabetes are lower.

Cut down on sugar and carbohydrates:

When a person eats too many refined carbs and sugar, blood sugar and insulin levels rise, which can lead to diabetes over time. White bread, potatoes, and lots of breakfast cereals are all examples of refined carbohydrates. Instead, try to cut down on sugar and eat more vegetables, oatmeal and whole grains.


Diabetologists recommend medicines to manage the level, but prescribed medicines should be taken even after the blood sugar level is normal; It helps in maintaining the blood sugar level without flaring up. Along with these, a person with diabetes should follow a hygiene routine to keep the body, especially closed areas like the feet, moisture-free as those areas can be a habitat for fungal growth, which can lead to foot ulcers. Huh.

Major myths related to diabetes busted:

Myth 1: One can never eat sweets when diagnosed with diabetes.

fact: Sweets are loaded with simple sugars, which tend to increase the amount of glucose in the blood more than other foods. But people with diabetes can eat them as long as they are planned. Reserve sweets for special events or as prizes.

Myth 2: Taking insulin injections means diabetes is high.

fact: People with type 1 diabetes must use insulin because their bodies can no longer manufacture this important hormone. Type 2 diabetes gets worse over time, so the body makes less insulin over time. Therefore, over time, exercise, dietary changes, and pills or injections that do not contain insulin may require more to keep blood sugar under control. Then, insulin is needed to keep blood sugar levels in a healthy range.

Myth 3: Diabetics should not exercise.
Regular exercise is an important part of taking care of diabetes. Working out makes a person’s body more sensitive to insulin. It may also help lower A1C, a test used to show how well diabetes is being managed.

In the olden times, awareness about diabetes was low, and people often overlooked the signs, leading to various complications. But that is not the case today; With the right medical choices, specialists are preventing complications and preventing them from progressing in those that have already developed. Making minor changes in everyday lifestyle and following the doctor’s instructions religiously can make a huge difference in the level of diabetes and help in improving the quality of life without any compromise. On TV, there are many advertisements that show diabetes as a fatal disease and urge to spend a lot to control diabetes. Let go of the myth that one needs to spend a fortune to lead a healthy and balanced life.

(Disclaimer: This story has been published from a syndicated feed.)