Lung cancer: silent warning signs and preventive measures to take; check doctor’s advice

World Cancer Day: Lung cancer cases are on the rise. In India, smokers and those exposed to passive smoking are more likely to develop lung cancer. It can also affect non-smokers. Lung cancer is the most prevalent cancer among men in India, and most patients have a history of smoking. Smoking damages the lining of the lungs. While your body at first tries to repair the damage, over time the cells begin to react abnormally, leading to the onset of cancer.

Most lung cancers have no early symptoms, although some do. These include things like voice change, weight loss, chest pain and persistent cough. Despite treatment for all stages, the overall 5-year survival rate is 15% in developed countries and only 5% in developing countries.

Dr Kirti Bhushan, Consultant – Surgical Oncology, SL Raheja Hospital, Mahim shared her insights on the silent warning signs of lung cancer and how to take preventive measures.

Even in its early stages, the prognosis of lung cancer can be poor because of how aggressively it grows physically. The key elements in lung cancer treatment are prevention, early detection and timely intervention.

“We need to be aware of the silent signs and symptoms of cancer as it can mimic other benign conditions as well,” says Dr Kirti.

Lung Cancer: Early Warning Signs

The most common symptoms are:

– cough

– difficulty breathing (dyspnea)

– blood in sputum

“If any of these symptoms persist after taking conservative treatment for more than six weeks, further investigation is required to rule out lung cancer. In most of the cases constitutional symptoms such as loss of weight, loss of appetite low feeling and fatigue, especially when the disease is severe. Locally advanced,” commented Dr. Bhushan.

Lung Cancer: Prognosis

When breast lumps expand and increase in size, there may be a sensation of pressure. Chest tightness and swelling of the face and neck can be caused by pressure on the veins of the heart, especially the superior vena cava. Lung cancer can cause bone pain if it spreads to the bones, jaundice or abnormal liver function if it spreads to the liver, and headache if it spreads to the brain.

Lung Cancer: Preventive Measures

Avoid smoking (including passive smoking)

-Avoid the use of alcohol

Cover yourself while going out to avoid air pollution

Avoid occupational exposure and radiation exposure.