Machine learning to become most acquired skill in India in 2021 on Coursera

Many sectors are aggressively adopting new age technologies like machine learning, creating new job opportunities – however, a huge skill gap exists across industries.

According to the annual employment survey by Aspiring Minds, 80% of Indian engineers are not suitable for jobs in the knowledge economy. Only 2.5% of them have the technical skills in artificial intelligence (AI) that the industry needs.

According to the Future of Jobs 2020 by World Economic Forum, AI and machine learning specialists, data analysts and data scientists are taking up emerging job roles. Therefore, graduates and professionals are keen to explore this field and acquire specialized skills. Stanford University’s ‘Machine Learning’ course is the most popular course on the platform.

Apart from machine learning, the ‘Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere’ course by Google is also a popular choice among learners to acquire skills such as data visualization, data analysis, data cleaning, SQL and data processing.

In addition to acquiring technical skills, learners are enrolling in courses that teach happiness and well-being, indicating a high demand for mental health and psychological well-being. The Science of Wellness and Introduction to Psychology are highly popular courses offered by Yale University.

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