Macron praised in China for ‘fantastic’ comments on Taiwan

French President Emmanuel Macron. file | Photo Credit: AP

Emmanuel Macron’s unexpected suggestion that Europe not “follow” US policy on Taiwan is being hailed this week as a “brilliant decision” in China, where state news outlets and social media users applaud his independence. are doing.

The French president called for “strategic autonomy” on Taiwan after a trip to China last week where he met President Xi Jinping, sparking confusion in the international community and infuriating Western allies.

Macron, 45, enjoyed a rockstar reception during his three-day visit, which included being mobbed by selfie-taking students in the southern city of Guangzhou, and local media widely covered his subsequent comments, “strategic autonomy.” focused on the phrase. ,

An opinion piece published on Monday by the Chinese Communist Party-run Global Times said the comments were “clearly the result of Macron’s long-term observation and reflection” and represented a path that was “relatively objective, rational and consistent with Europe”. in line with his interests”. ,

The article states, “Some seek to build a false Europe in public opinion, hiding true European voices and interests.”

Chen Weihua, the Brussels bureau chief of the state-run China Daily, wrote on Twitter that “Mr Macron’s words about the EU’s strategic autonomy and opposing a new Cold War and disengagement will also prove to be a brilliant decision”.

Beijing, which claims to one day annex Taiwan as part of its territory, has long sought to break Western resolve on the thorny issue.

And Mr. Macron’s recent words to distance Europe from Washington on the subject of Taiwan suggest that China’s efforts may be meeting some success.

“Courage to speak openly about autonomy,” commented a user on the social media site Weibo under a news article on Mr. Macron, “Europe has made progress.”

While the reputation of most Western leaders in China has deteriorated in recent years, Mr Macron enjoys a largely favorable public image – an attitude made clear by the student crowd in Guangzhou.

His willingness in recent interviews to differentiate French foreign policy from that of the United States on the issue of Taiwan helped solidify the fan base.

One Weibo user commented: “Mr. Macron’s ideas are very good. Europe’s arrogance and many years of inaction have led to extreme strategic passivity, which is being pulled by the US”.

But such triumphant Chinese outlooks have also been tempered by more sober voices that geopolitical realities require that France and Europe remain largely aligned with the US.

Hu Zijin, a prominent political commentator and former editor-in-chief of the Global Times, wrote on Weibo on Monday that – despite Mr Macron’s rosy comments – it was “unrealistic” for China to think that France would take their side in future conflicts. with us

Mr. Hu wrote, “Europe and America have shared values ​​and are bound together by NATO.”

“But we can firmly believe that as long as China treats European countries reasonably and fairly, while the US forces them to oppose China, the conflict between their strategic interests will come to the surface.”

Other online commentators were more cynical about the reasoning behind Mr Macron’s comments.

“What is the use?” wrote on Weibo user. “He will say one thing when he comes here to make money, then another thing when he gets the money. It’s been like this for decades.”