Made-in-India Anti-Drone System Deployed Near Red Fort Ahead of Independence Day: Watch Video

Ahead of the Independence Day celebrations in New Delhi on August 15, anti-drone systems have been deployed near the Red Fort to counter any unwanted drones. report good by news agency ANI. This anti-drone system is developed by DRDO. According to DRDO officials, the system can detect and deactivate drones of any size within a radius of about 4 km.

Watch Video: India Made Anti-Drone System Deployed Near Red Fort Ahead of Independence Day

This indigenous drone technology Capable of locating enemy drones, counter-attacks including soft kill (to jam the drone’s communication link) and hard kill (laser based hard kill to destroy the drone). This system has already been demonstrated to the Armed Services and other internal security agencies.

In December 2021, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh handed over five Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) developed products to the armed forces and other security agencies as part of the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav celebrations.

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The products manufactured by DRDO that were handed over to the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Home Affairs were Anti-Drone System, Modular Bridge, Smart Anti Airfield Weapon, Chaff Variant and Light Weight Fire Fighting Suit. The Counter Drone System developed by DRDO to detect, intercept and destroy incoming drones was handed over to the CISC by the Defense Minister.

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He also handed over the modular bridge to the Chief of Army Staff, General MM Naravane. The Modular Bridge Military Load Class MLC-70 developed by R&DE (Engineers) is a single span, mechanically launched assault bridge, and can be launched in different spans.

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