Madhya Pradesh: Shivraj Singh Chouhan could not meet Digviji Singh even after giving the tide, was about the problems of the farmers

Senior leader Davijay Singh of rehearsal and sleep (file photo)


The capital of the region is located in the central area. Poorvadhyay, former Davijay Singh did wrong once spoiled, spoiled, spoiled Davijay Singh to dharna abroad. Pollination stops the process by pollination after pollination. On this Davijay Singh resided on the dharna. The recitation of his Ramdhun begins. air hostilities

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Digvijay Singh used to say that in the deteriorating condition they will get worse in the coming time. Digvijay Singh said that, ‘Manish Rastogi has said on the evening of 18 that it is quarter to 11. I am 5-5 people, tomorrow the news comes, that is Kasil, I am not, I will come and visit, but today I got a call again 23 Komya Daya Hai. Will not be updated.’ In this matter, Home Minister Dr. Narottam Mishra said, ‘What are you doing? Is this the language of the pre-negotiation? This is political hypocrisy. We are going to be bad.

In the month of October, the project will irrigate more than 10 thousand hectares of land at a cost of $383 million. The movie is located in an area of ​​193 hectares in Berasia, Bhopal. In the house of Monra Balapura village in Gahm. Twit, 10 lakh of Maqsudangarh and 550 hectares of Bairiyasaliya will be irrigated.
