Maharashtra colleges to reopen for vaccinated students from October 20

Maharashtra-based colleges will reopen from October 20 (Image by Shutterstock/Rep)

Maharashtra college reopens: For students who have not been vaccinated yet, the state has asked colleges to start a vaccination drive.

  • Pune
  • Last Update:13 October 2021, 17:48 IST
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Higher and Technical Education Minister Uday Samant told reporters that after the reopening of schools, now the Maharashtra government is all set to start physical classes for college students from October 16. Colleges will reopen only for students who have received both doses of the vaccine against the COVID-19 pandemic, claims report. A similar criterion was also passed in Kerala where the state allowed Only vaccinated students to attend physical classes in higher education institutions.

For students who have not been vaccinated so far, the state has asked colleges to start a vaccination drive. All the teachers and non-teaching staff coming to the colleges have also been asked to be fully vaccinated. Colleges will reopen amid strict precautions including limited crowding, wearing of masks, hygiene and social distancing protocols, despite only those who are vaccinated being allowed. Apart from this, online classes will continue for the students who will not be able to attend the physical classes.

Due to the current COVID-19 crisis, the reopening will be phased and the local administration will be empowered to take a decision regarding the reopening of physical colleges in their locality, keeping in view the Covid-19 situation.

Schools and colleges have been closed across the state since mid-March 2020. Since then the classes are being conducted online.

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