Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Fast Facts | CNN – World Latest News Headlines


Let’s take a look at the life of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the former President of Iran.

Date of birth: 28 October 1956

birth place: Donation, Iran

birth name: Mahmood Saborziyan

Father: Ahmed Saborzian, a blacksmith. After the family moved to Tehran, Ahmadinejad’s father changed the family name from Suborzian to Ahmadinejad.

Mother: Sayyed Khano

marriage: azam farahi

Children: two sons and one daughter

Education: Iran University of Science and Technology, Bachelors and Masters, 1986 (in Civil Engineering) and PhD, 1987 (in Transportation Engineering)

He is a member of the Abadgaran Party and is considered ultra-conservative.

He is a very loyal supporter of Iran Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Many of the 52 Americans were taken hostage during the 1979 Islamic Revolution Dawa Ahmadinejad was one of his hostages. The former hostage taker, now Ahmadinejad’s political rival, denies that he was involved.

1986 – Joined the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

late 1980s – early 90s Governors of Maku and Khoy in Iran.

1993 – Advisor to the Minister of Culture and Higher Education.

1993-1997Governor of Ardabil Province in northwestern Iran.

3 May 2003-2005 Tehran’s mayor appointed

24 June 2005Ayatollah Hashmi won Iran’s presidential election with an overwhelming majority by defeating Rafsanjani. Ahmadinejad received about 62% of the vote and immediately began expressing a desire to restart Iran’s nuclear program.

3 August 2005Sworn in as President.

26 October 2005During a speech at the World Without Zionism conference in Tehran, he said that “Israel should be wiped off the map.”

December 14, 2005 – Speaking to thousands of people in the Iranian city of Zahedan, Ahmadinejad says, “Today, [Europeans] A myth has been created in the name of Pralay and he believes it above God, religion and prophets.

11 April 2006 – declares that Iran has produced low-grade enriched uranium that can be used for nuclear power.

September 19, 2006 – One of the two featured speakers on the opening day of United Nations General Assembly. second is US President George W Bush. The two men do not meet.

24 September 2007 – Speaks at Columbia University. Ahmadinejad never denied the Holocaust, saying he had “two questions” about it. He gets furious by saying, “We don’t have gays”. [in Iran] like your country. ”

25 September 2007 – Talks to the United Nations General Assembly.

September 26, 2007Christiane Amanpour interviews Ahmadinejad. He wakes up unexpectedly and leaves after a few minutes.

March 2-3, 2008 – Ahmadinejad’s visit Iraq; This is the first visit by an Iranian president to Iraq. he gets Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki And President Jalal TalabaniTo discuss topics such as oil production and development, border demarcation and excessive use of force by Israel in Gaza.

13 June 2009 – Iran’s president has been re-elected as protesters took to the streets.

5 August 2009 – Sworn in as President.

13 October 2010 – come Lebanon For his first state visit to meet the president, prime minister and members of the terrorist group Hezbollah, with which Iran has strong ties.

April 17, 2011 – Intelligence Minister Haider Moslehi fired by Ahmadinejad; Khamenei has vetoed the action.

May 2011 – Ahmadinejad accused Western countries of using special equipment to create a drought in Iran.

September 22, 2011 – Speaks at the United Nations General Assembly.

14 March 2012 – Ahmadinejad is called before parliament to answer questions about domestic and foreign issues. This is the first time since the 1979 Iranian Revolution that parliament has summoned the country’s president to answer questions.

24 September 2012 – gives speeches to the United Nations, during which the ambassador Israel It’s gone out.

February 5, 2013 – during the trip EgyptA group of men throw shoes at Ahmadinejad. This is an insult in the Muslim world.

14 June 2013 – Hasan Ruhani Iran won the presidential election.

4 August 2013 – Rouhani took the oath and Ahmadinejad officially stepped down.

April 11, 2017 – State media reports that Ahmadinejad has registered to run in the country’s presidential election in May. This is unexpected, as Ahmadinejad was instructed not to run by Khamenei last September.

April 20, 2017 – The Guardian Council, a government forum that approves candidates, disqualifies Ahmadinejad from participating in the upcoming presidential election. In 2021, he is barred from participating in the presidential election again.


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