Maintain blood sugar levels without compromising with food – choose the right flour

A good diet determines the state of your health. Correct? Diet is also an important topic of discussion for people with diabetes. Things get even more difficult for diabetic people. They need to keep a check on their sugar intake and at times have to compromise on certain food items. Well, what if we tell you that you can make wise food choices and maintain blood sugar levels without compromising on diet? Oh yes, nutritionist Lovneet Batra shared a post on Instagram through her health page “Nutrition by Lovneet” on different flours that can be included or which can be included regularly in your diet. From rotis, parathas to puris or phulkas, flour is used to make a variety of dishes. You should read this post to know about these five healthy flours.

According to Lovneet, you must choose the right flour to prepare your diet if you are planning manage your blood sugar levels, It will serve your purpose without compromising on your food.

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Nutritionists suggest 5 types of flour that you can include in your diabetic diet:

1) Amaranth flour

Lovnit said, “Due to the high content of manganese, it represents a good option for regulating the sugar level in the body as manganese helps during gluconeogenesis, thus, when consumed in sufficient amounts by consuming amaranth If manganese is obtained, it is possible prevent diabetes.

2) Ragi flour

It is one of the most beneficial flour for diabetics. Ragi is loaded with polyphenols, amino acids and dietary fiber and has a low glycemic index. Not only this but did you know that ragi also helps in keeping the hunger away? It helps you feel satiated for longer, thus reducing cravings and slowing down gastric emptying time and preventing blood sugar spikes.

3) Gram flour

health experts say Chickpea flour is a common option for people with diabetes, chickpea flour Is high in protein, which may help prevent insulin resistance. What is that? Basically, it is a condition that reduces your body’s ability to efficiently control blood sugar levels.

4) Barley flour

“Whole grain barley is a good source of fiber, including the soluble fiber beta-glucan, which slows the absorption of sugar in your digestive tract. Plus, barley has a low glycemic index (GI) — it is a measure of how quickly a food raises blood sugar,” Lovnit said.

5) Almond flour

It’s a wonderful gluten-free alternative to regular flour. It is made from finely ground almonds. Almond flour is low in carbs and high in protein, fiber and heart-healthy fats, which gives it a low glycemic index. Not many people know that almond flour also contains the nutrient alpha-linolenic acid which helps control blood sugar levels.

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Well, we hope you now have an idea about making healthy flour substitutes to keep your blood sugar levels under control.