Major oil producer Saudi Arabia announces net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2060

The announcement relates only to Saudi Arabia’s efforts within its national borders, and does not affect its continued aggressive investment in oil and its fossil fuel exports to Asia and other regions.

One of the world’s largest oil producers, Saudi Arab, announced on Saturday that it aims to reach “net zero” greenhouse gas emissions by 2060, joining more than 100 countries in a global effort to try and halt man-made climate changes.

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The announcement, made by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in brief written remarks at the start of the kingdom’s first Saudi Green Initiative Forum, was just in time to make a splash, a week before the global debut. COP26 Climate Conference Held in Glasgow, Scotland.

Although the kingdom would aim to reduce its emissions, Prince Mohammed said the kingdom would do so through a so-called “carbon circular economy” approach.

This approach actually focuses on efforts to reduce global dependence on fossil fuels with still unreliable carbon capture and storage technologies.

The announcement relates only to Saudi Arabia’s efforts within its national borders, and does not affect its continued aggressive investment in oil and its fossil fuel exports to Asia and other regions.

“The transition to net zero carbon emissions will be delivered in a way that retains the state’s leading role in enhancing the security and sustainability of global energy markets, particularly in managing and reducing emissions,” it said in a statement. Considers the maturity and availability of technologies required for by Saudi Green Initiative Forum.

Despite efforts to diversify away from reliance on fossil fuels for revenue, the state’s oil and gas exports remain the backbone of its economy.

an upcoming United Nations report

NS Global Summit COP26 Beginning on October 31, the summit will attract heads of state from around the world to tackle global warming and its challenges.

It is being touted as “the world’s last best chance” to stop global warming from reaching dangerous levels. The summit is expected to spark a flurry of new commitments from governments and businesses to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.

The leaked documents were first reported by BBC surfaced on Thursday that showed how Saudi Arabia and other countries, including Australia, Brazil and Japan, are trying to downplay an upcoming report from the UN Science Panel on Global Warming.

The documents are reportedly evidence of how their efforts behind closed doors undermine some governments’ public support for climate action.

Saudi Arabia has pushed against the recommendation that fossil fuels be taken out of the energy sector immediately.

Instead, the state is procrastinating, thus enabling nations to continue burning fossil fuels by sucking up the resulting emissions from the atmosphere, according to green Peacewho got the documents.

According to the leaked documents, the Kingdom repeatedly asks the report’s authors to remove references to the need to phase out fossil fuels, with the panel concluding that “immediate and prompt mitigation actions are needed at all scales”. .

Earlier this month, United Arab Emirates – Another major Gulf Arab energy producer – announced that it too will join the “net zero” club of nations with the goal of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050.

The United Arab Emirates says it is home to three of the world’s largest solar facilities and the first country to deploy nuclear power in the Middle East.


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